Profile of MJlover4ever1958

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Profile views: 987 Views
Member since: 04/29/2012
Last online: 151 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 27 minute(s)
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Username: MJlover4ever1958
Name: - Please login -
Gender: female
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -


Seit wann bist Du Michael Jackson Fan?: since i was 8
Deine Lieblingslieder von Michael Jackson?: you rock my world, man in the mirror, this is it, Human Nature, billie jean, speeechless, leave me alone, carousel, ... i love all songs!!!
Warum bist Du Michael Jackson Fan?: weil er ein einzigartiger Mensch ist der so viel liebe in seine songs steckt.. L.O.V.E <3
Beziehungsstatus: my heart owns MJ
Lieblingsfilme: moonwalker, this is it, life of an icon, ...
Lieblingszitat: if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change!